viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Assignment # 3


Is a theory or policy that tries to understand the cultural foundation of each nation that emphasize their cultural diversity.
It's the social (and in some countries legaly-) integration of immigrant people to a national culture, and they could keep their culture, traditions, and identity, but always keeping in mind the new culture that they are in. All the cultures coexist, but there are no superposition, and always protecting the differences as a value.
The multiculturalism is in cultures whose political system promotes freedom (social liberalism) and where there are lots of ethnic groups to join the new nation.
This perspective is making conscience in the different cultural groups about the cultural diversity that exists and we have to live with, it's represented by own identities in the different paths such as religious, national and ethnic groups, trying to make a positive and non violent coexistence.

Talking personal, I've always dream about the Simon Bolívar ideals... an unit Latin American, strong and without rivalry at all, of course, trying to get together all the cultures, but not by making them one, but to know how compatriots are and know about them, to grow ourselves. That's the principle od Multiculturalism, not to discriminate, not to impose our culture, but to show society how the world works if we know how to share and give a piece of us and receive and learn about (kind of) different people.

This helps to recognize the language and speeches that every culture in particular has, but not everything is perfect...
Globalization of economic life has a consumist and lucrative level that makes people with power and domination overflow their limits, causing identity forms less social with the pass of time.
About the multiculturalism policy, it could cause a economic crisis and minority groups get exclude.
ANd of course, not everybody is tolerant, some people aren't prepared or have the willing to accept people different to them

The educational perspective is trying to avoid the relapsed in ethnicentrism trough a critical reflexion of all elements such as: Beliefs, values and cultural prejudice that let intercultural relations. Of course, the way to demonstrate this, is the TLC (Free Comercial Trade) and all that involves in social and educational subject.

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